Quickly Create And Deploy API's For
Web App Mobile App Rest API Call

Create and Deploy API's easily and quickly without writing single line of code in backend and use it directly with REST API calls.

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Create Standalone API's.

Just click on create database API, choose database name and create collections. There you go, your simple yet powerfull API which you can call using standard REST API methods.


Personalised Payments Interface.

Sell product with professional looking personalised payment accepting interface showcasing your product with detailed description, a simplistic alternate to gumroad and sendowl with more possibility.


Create your own OAuth API.

Secure your database with OAuth and build user signups/singin flow for your application around OAuth API.


Minimalist Dashboard.

Manage payments in your products, visualize trasaction data with graphs, everything build to set you up in fast way more payments analytics coming soon.

Coming Soon

Custom Webhooks.

Create your own custom webhooks whether sending automated emails, SMS, database update etc. without any coding and control your user's payment funnel like a pro.


Create UI cards, Embed, sell globally.

Register account on PayLink, embed the generated link in your product(Website) payment card like this and start selling anywhere around the globe.


Embed link in your payments section.

Just copy the link paylink generated for you and paste it inside "href" of your website's payment section.


Features of OneAPI

Free Service

Create API's for your projects and use them free in your services.

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Standard and Secure

Standard and Secure API processor for your frontend.

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No Configuration

No incovinient SDK or library configuration at frontend just one api call

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High Performance

High Performance database, OAuth and Payment services.

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Any Questions? Answered

Create your API endpoint with database, call REST API from any fronted app(no backend required).
OneAPI uses document based noSQL database and mongodb as it's service provider.
we try to keep every process as transparent as we can, so if anything happens you can contact us directly via phone or email, we assure you your experience will be nice.
Absolutely you can, OneAPI handles all your request upto certain traffic for free.
We are currently in our Beta Phase so as of now there is no premium plan so you can use OneAPI for as many requests as you want.
I am a software developer and I love to build No Code tools and application.Helping digital creators and people with not much coding background make online impact interests me. so feel free to use it, if you have any feedback give it at navdepdhakar1@gmail.com or want to get in touch feel free to reach me on twitter https://twitter.com/dev_navdeep.

Let’s talk
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Our Location

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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+91 9887224733

Made for hustlers 🙌

If you are out there building and delivering great product/services for community or your users and want to focus on that solely, then leave your backend worry on us.